Our online store is now closed for Christmas 2024 orders. If you have any last minute needs please contact us and we'll do our best to help.

Our online store is now closed for Christmas 2024 orders. If you have any last minute needs please contact us and we'll do our best to help.




Today Thanksgiving will be celebrated all over the USA. Thanksgiving as an occasion is truly American.  Having family in America I have grown to understand how important it is to America as a nation.


I have had the privilege of spending at least one Thanksgiving celebration with my American family and it was a really wonderful time! 

Not so commercial as Christmas has become, and a particularly special family time. Thanksgiving will be different this year -turkeys will be smaller, family groups will be smaller and some people will be alone but it will still be remembered and celebrated.


What am I thankful for?

It got me to thinking about thanksgiving in general and how much we have to be thankful for.  I know it changes my outlook when I become more conscious of the many blessings in my life.

I'm thankful today for so many things - things that are often taken for granted.

A warm bed to sleep in, food in my fridge, the love of family and friends and the opportunity to spend time with my wonderful grandchildren to name just a few.

I think we're all very thankful to the wonderful doctors, nurses, and  healthcare staff who have worked tirelessly this year to save lives and keep us all safe. Without this commitment who knows what might have happened - thank you all so much. 

Enjoying Powerscourt

As you know the gallery is closed just now though we are hoping to open up next Tuesday but as I prepare for this I realise that I am so thankful for this lovely space.

Surrounded by beautiful Irish made products and a stunning view outside my window this truly is my happy place!

It's also wonderful to have loyal customers who have been so supportive throughout this difficult year. Thank you so much - it means a lot to us. It has been a pleasure to look after you through on-line shopping and we are so looking forward to seeing you again in person.


Today, for me, is a day to become more aware of all the good things in life and less concerned with the challenges.  

I hope that you will join me today as we remember all the things for which we can be thankful. 


 Happy Thanksgiving!







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